Friday, November 16, 2012

Paleo Recipes to Improve Your Health

A few months ago I had an endoscope to try to find out why my stomach was hurting and feeling nauseus so much. The doctor found nothing but a little irritation. My doctor gave me a diet he had typed out that, as he put it, would have me eating "like my grandparents used to eat when they were growing up". It was a diet made up of all natural foods, but eliminating all grains and white potatoes. I was to eliminate all bread, potatoes, corn, rice, wheat, all process foods, and any other grain
products from it.
Click here to read more about The Paleo Diet

My doctor didn't mention gluton, but by eliminating grains, I was eliminating gluton from my diet. After a couple of weeks, I began to feel a lot better. I still didn't know why.
As I began to search and ask friends one mentioned that "gluton" in wheat could cause some people problems. It was not until I discovered The Paleo Diet did I understand why my doctor had eliminated all grains.

I started this diet August 20, 2012. Now 3 months later I have no stomach issues at all!  And in addition to that I have lost 25 pounds!! How great is that!

Find out why you need to eat the Paleo Diet to improve your health by clicking on the video link  below. Click here
As you will see from this video, this diet can make a world of difference in your life.
You don't have to eat boring food.
Click here to see a video about some recipes for this LIFE SAVING diet.

  Buy these Paleo Cookbooks now at a reduced price.

For more help go to:

Other helpful links:


Monday, October 15, 2012

A Proven Weight Loss Formula

Are you trying to find the right weight loss plan that will work for you?

Well, so am I. I've tried so many but they haven't worked very long for me. But I think I have finally found the right one.

We all have heard about cutting out the simple carbohydrates like bread and potatoes that stimulate your appetite and make you hungry quicker, even after eating a big meal. What we need is a guide to eating the right foods, in the right amounts, and in the right combination to get out metabolism working at top speed.

This is what this Weight Loss Formula  does!

This is the Most Complete Weight Loss Product To Hit The Internet! The reason it is so successful is that it gives you more than a diet plan. It teaches you which foods to eat to help your body burn fat more efficiently.

In addition, it teaches you how to add exercises in a common sense sort of way to produce the best effect on your metabolism. I am not able to do the high intensity aerobic exercises of gym classes, but those are not necessary. We can start small and build up as our body and muscles improve.

This is just common sense. It's what we all need to do to lose weight effectively and keep it off.

I'm excited about this plan and I think you will be too.

Click Here to go to the Weight Loss Formula website that can teach you more about this.

Click here to buy this Weight Loss Formula  now!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

White Kidney Bean Extract

This product comes highly recommended by most who have tried it. Two or three say it causes gas issues. Dr. Oz recommends it because it blocks carbs from being absorbed in you digestive track. It makes sense that it would work if it blocks carbs. It is suggested that you take it along with the Raspberry Keytone supplements and the Green Coffee Bean supplements. I plan to order a bottle and see if it will help me.

click here to find out more or to go to a site where you can buy this.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Fat Loss Factor: A Natural Comprehensive Weight Loss Plan

Are you looking for a complete plan to tell you how to lose weight?

 What to eat?

When to eat it?

Where to buy your food?

Exactly which foods to buy.

If your answer is yes, then go to The Fat Loss Factor! to learn more about it. ! This program may be just what you are looking for.

It is an all natural foods program with videos and books to teach you what you need to do to change you diet so that your whole body becomes healthy and you can achieve the fat loss you desire.

No pills or supplements-- The Fat Loss Factor Program teaches you how to get what you need from real foods and how to combine foods to produce needed weight loss.

The first 2 weeks you are on a strict veggie diet to produce a body cleanse.

Then you  move to 10 weeks of a more balanced diet, leaving out foods that are high on the glycemic index. Those kind of food stimulate your hunger factor, so they are eliminated from this diet.

Recommended Foods

Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, organic and low-fat dairy products, organic grass-fed meat, organic free range poultry, salmon, tuna, organic free range eggs, olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, butter, maple syrup, honey, stevia, whey protein, hemp protein, herb tea.
There is also an exercise element because exercise stimulates your ability to lose weight.

  • Three separate 12-week strength-training regimes for beginners, intermediate and advanced exercisers.
  • The workouts take between 35-60 minutes and you will start with exercising three times a week.
  • The exercises are mostly performed on machines and video animations of all of the exercises are provided.
  • Also included in Fat Loss Factor are examples of short 15-minute workouts that you can do when you are short on time.
After twelve weeks you can add cardio exercise to your routine to boost weight loss with high intensity interval training being recommended for rapid results. Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates are also recommended as a method to reduce stress.

Click Here To Buy The Fat Loss Factor Now! 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Green coffee bean extract - how can this help me lose weight?

As I did my research, another popular item for natural weight loss kept appearing - green coffee bean extract. It is suppose to help boost metabolism also. I thought, ah ha, caffeine!  But I was wrong, the supplement only contains about the caffeine of a half a cup of coffee. That's not enough to rev me up, so if it works, there must be more to it than caffeine. Supposedly it contains chlorogenic acid which burns both fats and sugars. It also controls the release of sugar into the blood stream, thereby helping to keep me from being hungry. According to what I read, the U.S. National Library of Medicine did a study that showed green coffee bean extract actually burns fat and people lost an average of 17 pounds in 12 weeks with green coffee bean extract alone. The best part is that there are no side effects. That's what I'm looking for - something natural and healthy that really works. I have ordered some but have only begun taking them so I don't know how they will help me yet. I will keep you posted.

Find out more about green coffee bean extract from Dr. Oz by clicking on the link below.

What info or experience do you have about green coffee bean extract supplements?

<<Click below when you are ready to buy this supplement.>>

Raspberries - can they help me lose weight ?

As I searched for a natural supplement that would help me lose weight, to my surprise, raspberries popped up. Can you believe that by simple taking a supplement made totally of raspberries can help you lose weight? I was skeptical, so I ordered a bottle. I had already lost about 7 lbs. but had gotten to a stand still. I started taking the supplement like it directed and, believe it or not, it worked. Each day, I lost about half a pound a day without changing anything. I was already watching my carbs-that is I eat fruits and vegetables that are considered complex carbohydrates. This got my appetite under control. Now I needed to boost my metabolism. That is what the raspberry supplements are supposed to do. They seem to be doing just that. What are your experiences with the raspberry supplements?

For more information watch Dr. Oz's video about raspberry supplements by doing clicking on the link below.

<<Click below when you are ready to buy this item.>>

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Beginning...

I have been fighting the battle with weight for many years, going up and down the scales as many of you probably have. As I have gotten older I have found it more and more difficult to get the weight off, so I began looking for help. I wanted to use natural products if possible, so I started researching. I have read many reviews and talked with lots of people about what helps them.I have personally tried several products with varying results. I hope what I have learned will be of help to you, and I hope you will share your successes with me.